March 12-14th Court

Friday night I got a call from the Guardian Ad Lidum, she said although I could go to court on Mon morning she didn't recommend it, when I questioned her she said, let's talk this weekend...  Talk about leaving me hanging.  After a quick face book survey of friends and family about whether they would go if they were in our place, we were more sure about wanting to be in court mon morning.
The GAL called me sat night and explained, "As soon as the bio mom sees you in court she only has to say one word to her lawyer and the judge will close the court room, so you will be put out anyway. Also, when it is your turn to adopt him we will close the court out of respect for you and your family, don't they deserve that same respect?"  Well that was it for me, we decided not to go, and Mon all of our children were very sick anyway.   We waited anxiously by the phone all day, sure that they would contest and we would end up with a week full of court.  At 4:30 the lawyer called and said that both parents had been terminated in regards to the baby. We are on the road to adoption!  Praise God!
At court an aunt that has been MIA this last year asked the GAL if she could keep in contact with Alex and since he will be going home to his dad soon, it will be up to him.  I was concerned that the aunt would try for custody of the baby, but the GAL assured me that it would be a long uphill struggle for her, and she said after talking to her she really didn't feel it would go that way.
So praise the Lord, termination day is behind us!


  1. Praise the Lord! I am so happy to hear that its going well in regards to the baby. Its been a long road! Much love friend!

  2. PTL!! Geeeeeeeeez, how crazy that it took over a year to get all the crazies rules out! lol Yay, yay, yay!!! <3

  3. *ruled out
    And this new layout is much easier on the eyes, good job! ;)

  4. Oh SO SO SO HAPPY Danielle!!! Tears in my eyes! I love this baby so much and I am so so glad you guys are so much closer to adopting him! PRAISE the LORD! He is so so good! I am still keeping you all in my prayers.

    ~ Marie

  5. Oh Happy Day! It is such good news. What a relief. I am so happy for you and David. What happens with the visitation situation now? How is the baby doing by the way? I love thinking that there is a restoration of peace coming your way. I am hanging on all your news.

    Thank you so much for your sweet, sweet comment by the way; You are such a treasure. I have great contentment thinking of that glorious day when we are all able to be together enjoying Jesus and each be honest, I can hardly wait. Love you bunches.


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