April 5th Fun

This was such a fun day!  My little sister and get bouts came to spends the night on the way down to our parent's house.  
My sweet nephews are so much fun!  
David made us home made hamburgers, they were so good!  I made cream cheese brownies, but we pigged out on the dinner and couldn't eat one more bite. :-)  Kimberly and I stayed up watching a great Julia Roberts movie and drinking Vanilla Chai, a new personal favorite!

Foster note:
Got an upset call from Alex' bio dad this afternoon. Here's how it went. "We got up this morning at 6, took two buses, checked him in, took two buses back to work, then at 11 the school called me to come pick him up because he was too young to start preschool." You could hear the tremor in his voice, it had been a long day... I told him too let me know what they needed from us. He said he'll keep me posted.

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