
Two years ago we started thinking about being a foster family.  After 2yrs of infertility stuff, and feeling like our little family should grow, foster/adopt seemed like a good way to go. 
What could go wrong?  A child needs a home and love, and we were moving to a place with extra space, and we had plenty of love to go around.  (sorry, have to chuckle a little inside over the NAIVETE)  We talked about the "pro's" and "con's" of adopting  and fostering, and decided to go with the younger the better. Less risk to our  family while they are still young.   
Having had a year of classes, training, home-visits and TONS of paper-work we were READY. 
 When we finally were licensed we were shocked to find out that we were approved for 4 more children, not just the 1 or 2 that we anticipated.  What did we think at that point???  Bring it on.  :-D  hahaha  Crazy!!!

I should stop here and tell you how our life used to be.  Quiet.  Lots of home time. A happy mother hen with her little brood. (With the exception of the occasional neighborhood kids coming to play.)  I actually remember going out of my way to make friends with the other moms in the area.  BEGGING for some-one to come and have lunch.  Doing school.  Spending lazy mornings at the library. Enjoying our new country surroundings.

It would not remain that way for long.


  1. Haha! LOVE IT! I like how you close here... it sounds so... dun dun dun duuuuuuuun... impending doom!!! LOL

    And I looooooove the jungle babies picture! How cute are they?!

    YAAAAAY for your first blog!!!!

  2. Haha yeah, that's how I felt as I was looking back, like, it was the quiet before the storm. :-D

  3. Lol!!! Ditto what Julie said, dun dun dunnnnnnn!!! lol!!


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