Happy birthday Trey-trey! Can't believe we have had the joy and the privilege of being your parents, for 10yrs! You walked at 9mo, talked in full sentences at 13 mo. You're the first official member of the "Night Owl" club. Asked Jesus into your heart when you were 4! I was afraid you were too young to understand, but you have grown in your own walk with the Lord, and your Sunday School teachers all enjoy your enthusiasm! You always offer to help carry out babies, and paraphernalia out to the car. You are such a treasure! We love you! Here is your birthday in pictures. :-) Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket You and Seth and Benji played Kung Fu Panda until 11pm, then watched Star Trek until you were the last one awake. You were afraid I wouldn't be able to hear if one of the babies started to cry so you were on high alert! :-) For your birthday you got some glow sticks, (that you doled out, so no-one was left out), a new light saber that you started playing with in rotations, (again, so no-one felt left out). You played dark hide-and-go-seek with your light sabres and had a great time! You and Benji thanked us over and over for, "The best night of your lives, (right after Disneyland)." We love you "Treymond J Punker-nickle!"


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