10-7 The *dentist* and a phone call

Ok, according to Web MD  Between 5% and 8% of Americans avoid dentists out of fear, estimates Peter Milgrom, DDS, director of the Dental Fears Research Clinic at the University of Washington in Seattle and author of Treating Fearful Dental Patients. A higher percentage, perhaps 20%, experiences enough anxiety that they will go to the dentist only when absolutely necessary. 
I am somewhere between the 5% and 20%.  I could tell you a sad story about being threatened as a child by a dentist, about screaming so loud my mom could hear it out in the lobby.  However, as an adult. . . I tell myself that I have spent more time in the dentist's chair than most people do in a life-time.  BUT, on the flip side, my parents, and now my husband have spent so much money on my dumb mouth that I SHOULD do whatever it takes to keep it up.  UGH.  Yuck.  (((Shiver))) 
I went to the dentist, it has honestly been WAY too long since I was there last, and after a thorough cleaning and a quick consult with the Dr, I am on my way to a gorgeous mouth.  I will take a before and after pic on *the day*.  ;-)

During our meeting with the social worker and home-supervisor it came out that we needed to shore up our defenses.  We needed proof of all the meds and food, and co-operation with therapists.  On the way to the dentist I received a call from our SW I assumed to tell me how court went the day before.  She told me that she might be leaving our case.  :-(   I don't know how they can do what they do and stay "objective". . . you get involved with the families, and then you are the one making or helping make large decisions that affect them all.   I pray for her every day.  That God would hold her up. Give her strength and wisdom.
She also told me, (big breath) that they are going to allow the grandmother two days of visitation.  All day wed, and all day sat.  I literally started crying.   I don't have to tell you how stressed and worried, and mad I was.  Haven't I been praying????  Hasn't God heard me???  How am I going to get through this???  Racing, racing heart.   I told you I was going to be honest.  There it is.  When I was warned that the rubber is coming up to meet the road. . . I faltered.  
Here is how cool our God is.
At the same time that I am laying, being "tortured" by the hygienist, David was in at his monthly med check with his dr, and he said to him, "David, if I can tell how upset you are about this, you need to get a handle on it.  Wake up every morning and remind yourself why you are doing this.  You were called to this."  (I have a sweet friend that tells me this, at least once a week, you know who you are.  I love you!)  David's dr really gave him a wake up call.  A good emotional shaking.  "You are not only in this to adopt, you are in this to take care of these children for a time."  We are stewards of everything here. . . and if God wills for them to go home with family, and leave us. . . we will cross that bridge when we come to it.  

I don't think that I have ever put down how I am currently doing my quiet time. . . here it is in a nut shell. 
I read 2-3 chapters a day, in a row, never just random.  Then my prayer journal.   Here is my verse for the next morning.
Ps 88:17 "All day long they surround me like a flood, they have completely engulfed me"  yeah, totally how I felt.  Ps 89:1-2 YET, "I will sing of the Lord's great love forever!  With my mouth I will make Your faithfulness known through all generations.  I will declare that Your love stands firm forever, that you established your faithfulness in heaven itself." 


  1. I hear you on the dentist! I have been avoiding making a needed appointment for the last year!

    I wish I could send you a beautiful song through youtube, it brings such a peace and comfort from the Lord. But after reading your comment on Marie's blog, about not having sound with your computer, it sounds like I cant! You all are tenderly, seriously in my heart and prayers.

    Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. ~2 Corinthians 1:3-4

    Much love dear friend

  2. I love the scriptures the Lord gave you. I love how He does that.

    The dentist has been a challenge around here too... mostly a financial challenge, but little by little we will get there; sometimes I think I might have to take a second mortgage out on the house to pay the dentist off... thank the Lord our dentist is so patient with us, and the Lord does provide.. it just seems a huge mountain to climb sometimes. :).
    Keeping you in my prayers;
    Much Love Always,

  3. Hi Danielle, It was so nice to see that picture of you and your Momma. I really have been out of the loop but you have been on my heart that is why I stopped in this morning. Our you trying to adopt? I want to talk with you one day. Blessing to you and your whole family1 Love Roxy

  4. Danielle you inspire me!!!
    God is good!!!
    And {{{HUGS}}} for the bravery on going to the dentist!!!

  5. Sweet Sister you are. I just love your verse and I can see that the Lord is with you every single step your family makes. I cringe when I hear about the grandma getting this much time with the kids but I know that the Lord is with you and those precious babies. I trust you all to Him. He is so awesome and wonderful.

    LOVE you so much.
    Oh, I can completely relate to you about the dentist by the way.
    ~ Marie

  6. Ok, I just have to share kind of a funny fact I heard on the radio over the summer, while a ton of people are terrified of dentists, like 80% of people would rather go to the dentist to get a tooth pulled than go shopping for a swim suit!! LOL!!! Ok, that might not be as funny as I think it is, but...I thought it was pretty funny, I'm not too, too scared of dentists (good thing, right?), ;) but I'd still WAY rather go shopping than go to the dentist office! Ick!! lol


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