10-24 AWANA and Date night!

After much coaxing, prodding, and bribing with promises of some alone time with my hubby, we have relented and begun AWANA's.  
AWANA is a great program!  Encouraging Scripture memorization, fun songs, games, and snacks.  Abi was especially impressed with the snacks!  ;-)  
I say relented because although AWANA is a great program, and we have supported it, and taught it, we are just too busy.  I already am FAR too committed for my liking.  And really I didn't think that I could afford another time commitment.  HOWEVER. . .  my sweet friend and her children have been begging to let my kids come, and when she said that she will drive, and we would have 2 hrs of alone time here at the house!!!!  Well, who could say no to that?  PLUS, our children will be learning more about the Bible and can learn to appreciate the wealth of spiritual mentors in our church.  AND you might say, "What about their socialization?????" hahaha  inside joke I guess.  ;-) 
Here are a few fun pics of our night out. 

After we took our kids and got them settled in their new classes, met their teachers, made sure everyone was good with the new arrangement, my David took me to Cold Stone for a little ice-cream.  Now I say, "little" but it was actually a HUGE ice-cream.  Jamocha ice-cream, caramel, almonds and reeses peanut butter cup.  It was enough sugar to induce a nice coma.   I have to say, I felt flutters.  Being there just the two of us, with the baby, my feet on David's leg under the table. . .  We talked about my first time at camp, and never once mentioned bills we couldn't afford to pay, or foster drama. 

We left Cold Stones with VERY full tummies, and feeling re-connected.  Then he suggested one of my favorite places, . . . MICHAELS!  YAY!!!  We walked around, bought a few dollar crafts for the kids, dreamed about how our kitchen will look one day, looked at old posters. . . then I had a great idea!  All the way through my last crochet project, (which was lengthy! and WONDERFUL) he kept asking me when I was going to start on a blanket for him?  So we went and picked out all the yarn, and I am sure it will be gorgeous!  Here is my David and his "blanket".

Actually that's probably only going to cover half the blanket, but the whole bag would have just looked silly.
It's hard to tell, but the common color is a sagey green.  Very nice!

I am sure in the weeks and months to follow, their AWANA paraphernalia will grow, but for tonight, here are their little books to work through and memorize. 
They are excited about AWANA's and we are excited to have a regular date night.  :-D


  1. HOw lovely. My hubby and I try and have a 'date night' once a week too. It doesn't usually involve going out, a weekly babysitter would be too much to ask!, but we might have a special dinner together once the children are in bed, or maybe just pudding! But we do make sure that this is time when we have time for each other and not the many other things that keep us busy throughout the week. Even just those couple of hours make such a difference!

  2. #1: Ohhh man, Coldstones is Jeremys favorite...might have to make a special night and take him there after he's finished with boards or something next month...I kinda forgot about it (don't ask me how that's possible, lol!)!
    #2: Lol, Anybody that knows David could have guessed which colors he wanted for HIS blanket!! :)
    #3: Awww, I LOOOOOOVED AWANAs growing up, seriously, totally my favorite church activity (though that "fashion" show that one year was pretty fun/funny!!! lol), I'm sure the kids are already loving it, hu?! :)

  3. We loved having the Kiddos at AWANA. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.


  4. love it!! Awanas is awesome!! Well worth it. Love that your getting free time with your main squeeze!! Blessings, Paula

  5. What a FUN date night! You really REALLY made me want to go and get some Cold Stone! It has been a very longtime since I've had it! And the way you described it lol! I really laughed out-loud! :D YUM! I can't wait to hear more updates about your blanked your making for David! What a delightful refreshing night!. Much love Danielle! I LOVE YOU!

    ~ Elizabeth

  6. OH What a delightful post Danielle,
    It did something so special to my heart reading about your fun. It also melted my heart to picture you two in "MICHAELS!!!" shopping and dreaming together, what fun fun fun fun. Jon and I do that too, maybe not in Michaels :) I also LOVE that you are making sweet David a blanket! The yarn is gorgeous!


  7. Awanas sounds great. I love the scripture memorization that they do.
    We have something similar at our church... with a different name.

    It so nice that you two can have a peaceful evening out together; Its sometimes very much needed isn't it? And its wonderful to dream together... it keeps that hope alive. Steve and I are dreamers too.

    I can't wait to see your blanket (or I should say David's blanket). You have to post on it... even when it is only partially done.....like Kirsteen's
    WIP (work in progress). I love to see other people's WIPS. Its always inspiring.

    Thank you for you sweet comment on my blog. You are an encourager, and such a treasure. Love you.
    Many Blessings,


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