8-3 Busy day

Ps 138:8 "The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me.  Your love O Lord endures forever. Do not abandon the works of your hands."

Ok, so this morning I posted David's motorcycle on Craigslist.   It was totally his idea and he never once complained.  We bought the bike from a friend at a great price, so we priced it to sell, and God sold it in one day. 
While we were praying for the bike to sell we did a few other things.  But stressed as we were, I wanted to point out the GREAT things that God did today.

This is our sweet Benji, and our favorite nurse in the world.

I don't remember if I posted about the beginning of this "adventure" or not. Just a little re-cap in case I didn't.
Benji who is EVER the crack up was playing in the basement with the 3 and 4yr old and he was being an alien, with a q-tip sticking out of each ear.  They thought was great fun, until he fell and the q-tip punctured his ear-drum.   He came up the stairs screaming, but when he calmed down enough to tell me what happened, he said it didn't hurt at all.  So the next day we saw the Dr and our wonderful Ped confirmed a q-tip sized hole through the outer ear drum, all the way to the bone.  He didn't think the the Malleus had been harmed though, and amazingly he was in no pain and seemed to hear great out of it.  For the last three months we have been back and forth to the Dr so that they could use this little machine to check for pressure.  It has been flat-lining, and the Dr was getting concerned, so we agreed to check once more and then go to the specialist, and Praise God today it spiked beautifully!

Then a quick stop at Wal-mart, LOVE how they love each-other!!
Next stop the Mall to run off a little energy.

When we arrived at visitation our worker told us that his supervisor hadn't had time to do anything permanent about the Bio-dad's visit but not to worry, he hadn't been returning calls and they were sure he would be a no-show.  When Alex un-buckled his seat-belt he said, "I don't feel good."  My usual response, "I know you don't buddy, but when you get in there if you STILL don't feel well you just tell Mr Smith and he will call Mommy and I will be right back to pick you up."   Mr Smith asks if I have told his Supervisor about this back and forth that I have grown accustomed to and encourages a lengthy e-mail to describe it.
As suspected the bio-dad didn't show, so we were able to head on up to the hospital. We saw the Gastrointerologist.  That is our 4th "Ologist" on the list.  :-D  She thinks that we are doing everything we can, and gives me her card, and we are back in the car.  It is really relieving to hear that the specialist feels like we are doing all we can. 
All day long I was fielding calls from potential buyers of the motorcycle, so we raced home to be there before they started to show for a test run.  We've been gone from home since 9am and at 5:30 we showed the motorcycle.  They knew the price was great, and the bike though it still needed some tweaking, is there money-pit now. ;-)   PRAISE THE LORD!!!   We had mexican for dinner to celebrate but the reality is that after getting a little groceries we are still waiting anxiously on the Lord.


  1. Oh wow Benji is such a trooper, and PRAISE the LORD that his ear was ok!!!
    What an amazing "Story" :) I just love your updates Danielle and all that you do and letting us be apart of your life. I don't know where you get the strength? You are a trooper too!!

    ~ Marie

  2. Whew! I don't know where you get your energy! What a great great Mommy and wife you are! I have told you before, but I have to say it again, I just love hearing about your day and all that goes on. I have been keeping you all in my prayers and I have a peace knowing that the Lord takes care of His own. He is not worried. He owns all the cows on the hill and He has you in His hands.

    Much love Danielle :)


  3. P.S. I forgot to mention Benji and his ear! Ouch!!! What a tough boy! I am so glad his ear is better!


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