Realtor invasion

Miss Shirley called and asked if she and a few members of the steering committee could come out to the house, take pictures, meet us... Sure! I mean, it's a little intimidating, but it'll be fun!
Then we had 3 days to get ready. We cleaned, and straightened, and I felt pretty good about the state of things that morning. We had two therapists on the floor, doin their thing, children in jammies and then the knock at the door. Miss Kati was first.
I should stop here, and tell you that Shirley warned me, that though there was alot of interest, they were all realtors, and very busy, so getting them all in the same place at the same time might take an Act Of God. ;-)
Within five minutes there were 7 more cars in the driveway. Ten realtors armed with I-pad and I-phones descended. Taking pictures, huddling in small masses of "business dress", and every once in while you could hear a snippet or two. "Where does she keep all the jackets?", How does she cook in here?" And my favorite, "You can see that she's trying for some sort of organization with these...lets call them baskets." Hahaha. Laugh or cry people, laugh or cry. :-D
Miss Katherine is a realtor friend of Miss Shirley's, who is also an interior designer, (Perfect combo, btw) she has some really fun ideas, and we just enjoy working together.
Several of the people have taken certain rooms on. A couple of the men are excited about the outside, and another the kitchen.
It was a really fun morning, and although it's hard to see your home through the lens of a realtor, they were all very gracious and I look forward to getting to know them better as we progress.


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