Imitate and Grow

This last weekend was a blur of fun!!!!
Saturday we had a ladies luncheon at church. The decorations were beautiful!!!! The food was delicious!!! My girls and friends at church were fabulous company!!!
My sweet friend Laura gave the message, she did a great job!!! (They are moving next week, and I am going to miss her so much!!! She and I have one of those, instant friendships. Love you sweet friend!!!) As a church we are striving to imitate and grow, and as a mother I take this challenge very seriously. I have heard some momma's say, "Do as I say, not as I do." Course it's used "tongue in cheek" but how often do I model what I want for my children? Lord, help me to build a framework for my little "plants" to grow on!
After the luncheon we came and attempted more un-packing. :-P bleck! But praise The Lord it isn't too hot yet! I've got to get out there and get it finished before everything melts! (Note to self)
Sunday, Mother's Day!!! I had everyone's clothes laid out, so getting ready for church went pretty well!!! The kids are all "camping" in the family room, so there were blankets and sheets everywhere, but all in all a good start. :-)
Church was wonderful!!! I took some pics during the music, love it! All ten of us in a row. Makes my heart sing!
Pastor Smith gave the most moving message! Imagine, a man, beaten, rejected, spit on, and hanging on a cross, but his heart is for his mother, and making sure she is taken care of! What a picture!!! Not a dry eye in the place, I'm tellin' ya!
During church I received a text from Baby K's bio daddy. Went like this.
"Happy Mother's Day! You have plans for today?"
"Thank you! Enjoying church right this minute, then we're headed home to heat up some frozen burritos. Wanna join us?"
"Yeah! Sounds great! Be there around 1!"
Now to y'all, you're thinking, boring! Why the grinning face??? Because, we want this young man to feel like family. We want him to be as comfortable coming and going from here as our other friends and family!
Course, I show David the text, he grins and adds, "David says he'll Bar-b-q!!" Yum!!! And now I don't have to turn on my oven at home!!! Woohoo!
After a quick dash through the grocery store we raced home, and there are men working in the garden!!! The more the merrier! And Baby K's dad and girlfriend, and a friend from church!
We put the kids to work folding up all the "nests" they had devised to sleep in, and the oldest girls and I started lunch. Watermelon, baked beans, hamburgers, hot dogs and chips. The little-r girls put all my flowers out on the tables, (every man at lunch brought me flowers!!! Felt very loved!!) And sitting out on the deck, with good food, and sweet friends and family was better than any tangible gift!

Stay tuned today for a fun new game I call, "Where's the pizza cutter?!?"


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