A haven

Next up on our tour is the master bedroom. 
I would love to tell you our room is our haven.  That's it's a kid free zone. And that just walking into our room is like entering a retreat.  But the truth is, we have 8 children!  Our room is where they come in the middle if the night after a bad dream.  Where they camp out with the sprite and Tylenol when a tummy bug hits.   It's where I sit and fold laundry, talk on the phone, attend to splinters and hurt feelings.  All of this is done more comfortably, with our re-model.  There is more room, it's cleaner, and more organized. :-) 
And as beautiful as it is now, it's all washable!!! (Ask me how I know!) 
I'll update this post with the picture that started it all, but for now... 
Picture a cabin in the woods. A stream runs beside it. In the background are pines and aspens just beginning to change into their fall foliage.  There is a tree in this painting, adorned with the perfect color of red!  
I told Miss Kathryn that my grandpa had painted that especially for my hubby (who spent 10yrs in Montana) and poof!! She designed a room around it!! :-) 
Here's some pics
Here it is, stripped down to the paint on the walls. You can't see the windows, but one of them we had to literally pack the seams because of the air leaks. Ugh!  
The color was a bland off white, and a darker off-white. ;-). Nothing exciting. 
Here's the after.  And if you saw the film footage, the part that got my hubby choked up. :-) (love him!!)
How pretty are those curtains?!? 
There is a story here about this bedroom set. 
I'll fill you in on the details soon as I make sure I have the names right. :-D 
Isn't that bedspread to die for?!? 
Shortly after this pic, some-one who shall remain nameless, got something unspeakable on this beautiful fabric, and I had to wash it.  Which I did with much fear and trembling... It turned out perfectly!! :-) 
We love our new room!!!  It's warm and inviting, and exactly what we hoped for! 


  1. Its just beautiful. It is so fun to read and see all!!
    Love and Blessings,


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