June 1st-3rd Therapy and Stuff

On the 1st I received our surgery packet. 4mos ago we made arrangements to have surgery on the 6th. However they don't tell you the time until 5 days before surgery. I was shocked, no, dismayed, when I saw the time frame listed! Surgery is at 8:30 and we have to be there two hours early! We have babysitters that we trust, but for 7 of them? And that early?!? I started praying. I called the surgery scheduler and left a message, hoping she could schedule us a little later. The 2nd no word from the surgery scheduler, but we cleaned the basement and tried to make good use of a quiet day. 3rd, therapy is now 9 times a week between the three children that are in currently in need of it. Praise the Lord we love our therapist! She is great with all of them, and they all come running when they hear her. :-) This afternoon after therapy and lunch the surgery scheduler called. #1. No, they can't move us back a bit. However David's boss gave him the day off, so the children are taken care of. #2. They need the surgery approved and signed by the Social Worker. I got off the phone with her and immediately called the GAL. She said they had just gotten out of court with our little one's family. The parents seem to be doing well, but the grandma is making her intentions known. They are going to come to the hospital for surgery. I tried for the next two hours to get the termination papers and authorization form from the social service building to the hospital... To no avail.


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