B/W Challenge

You know that sinking feeling, in the pit of your stomach?

The feeling that something is terribly wrong.

It's worse than the monster under your bed, or the THING in your closet at night.

I'm talking about the DREAD that overcomes all caregivers when they run out of wipes. 

This is no laughing matter. 

I'm not pointing any fingers, but someone used a whole package on the patio...

Someone else was JUST at the store yesterday and was so proud that they stayed 
in budget, that they completely forgot necessities LIKE WIPES!!!!
(that last one was me)

Well, now the time has come. 

Time to face the music, and work up the courage to face that horrible diaper. 

I first turned the whole house upside down, I even went so far as to search through the cars. 

No luck. 

I put on some gloves. 

Got a drink. 

Prepped the area with room spray and opened the windows. 

Now a crowd has gathered. 

Mom is preparing to wage war on the hideous, sinful smell coming from the baby. 

They've gotten drinks too.

They've pulled up chairs and I swear someone is making popcorn and selling tickets to THE SHOW. 

Nevermind all that, 
I have a job to do.
I'm an adult. 
How bad can it be???

I shoo the lookey-lous out of the room. 

Light a candle and say a prayer. 
I'm going in.

I think about sending out a text to my mom, telling her I love her, and thank her for not killing me as a child. 
I always get a little sentimental when facing certain death. 

But I think better of it, and decide all the stall tactics in the world are only going to make this job worse. 

I lay the child down, making sure to talk soothingly to the little sin maker. 

I wet the toilet paper. 

Turn on the bathroom fan. 

In two minutes it's over. 

I stand up, wash my hands up the elbows in scalding hot water, and reach for a palm size dallop of heavily scented lotion.

We lived. 

The child is even smiling. 

I say to my sweet little sin maker, 
"Maybe next time we could try using the potty. Like a big kid!"

He smiles pats my leg and says, 
"I know, right?"


  1. LOL! I miss my children being itty-bitty, but thanks for reminding me of how I don't miss that part of it. :)


    1. Hi Joyful!
      Thank you for commenting!
      There are a few things that one day I won't miss either. ;-)
      But we do try to appreciate all the stages. <3


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