June 5th & 6th Surgery (again)

The night of the 5th a sweet friend came over with a crock pot full of spaghetti. She said, "David can just turn it on in the morning and have lunch all ready for you when you get home!" I thought that was so thoughtful! We are so grateful for the people that have chosen to walk through this with us! At 7 pm I put the baby's favorite paci, favorite blanket, and stuffed dog into the wash, (i thought I was so ahead of the game!) I forgot to put them in the drier until 10pm.... Oh well. They were clean and dry by 5am the next morning when we left, that's the important part of the story. ;-)
Miracle #1:
Heading to the hospital I had to drive by "The Bagel Stop". I was thrilled to see their OPEN light flash on, before their official open time so I made a hard left turn and bought the freshest, biggest, must amazing bagel the world has ever known! ;-)
Miracle number 2:
They let us check in and took us back to the room to wait for the authorization paperwork. The admission nurse recognized us and put out an "APB" on the bio family. We got him all checked in, changed into little pajamas. Met the drs and had him checked over, twice. :-)
Miracle #3:
An hour before surgery was to begin I received a call. The termination and authorization papers were signed and being run down the hall from one dept to another there in the hospital. I could have cried I was so relieved! They let me walk him back to the OR, "oooed"and "ahhhed" over his sweet smile and gorgeous curls. I sang "his song" to him until he drifted off and I headed to the waiting room, where security kept a close eye on me. Surgery was only supposed to last 30-45 min. Two hours later the dr came to speak to me. Things were much more difficult than they had thought. We will have to keep a close eye on the healing process.
Miracle #4:
After we had been in recovery for a while they tried to take him off of the oxygen... His sats plummeted. They tried, and tried again. Each time they moved him to room air he would drop to the low 80's. They started talking about admitting us. I sent out a prayer request to EVERYONE! Within 5 min he started holding his own around 91% and they released us.
Miracle #5:
My David prayed that I wouldn't even see the bio family. I had to walk that whole hospital between admitting, the cafeteria and the pharmacy and I never ran into any of them. God is good. We headed home exhausted, but grateful for the way God orchestrated everything.


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