June 10th Recovery
The last week has been a lot of holding the baby, rocking, singing. Especially the singing... It's the only thing that has kept him calm through the diaper changes and re-dressing of the sensitive areas. He is a precious, wonderful, gift of a baby. He is cuddly and interactive although this last week he only wants me or my husband. (we are being sure to re-enforce that bonding time) :-D Last night the bandages came off in the tub. It has been 24 hrs of medications, (david went to walmart at 1:30am to re-load the advil and tylenol supply) he has been sleeping off and on in my arms, but because there was so much scar tissue from the first time this surgery was....more aggressive. On the way home from visit this afternoon I talked to the GAL's case consultant. She said that all the supoenes would be going out for court next thurs. She explained the "who" does "what"'s of the trial part and was so so helpful! (more on this after we see the GAL this weekend.) For today, more holding the baby, and loving him through the next few days of recovery.
Praying for your little man. He is going to be fine. You will remember this time years from now and smile and God's powerful hand on his life from the very start.