June 15th Spoiled food and salt water
The investigator was set to come at 4pm so I cleaned for a little bit after therapy and thought a long hot shower and some quiet time was in order before she came. At 3:15 I was pulling a comb through wet hair when the door bell rang. There stood "Lauren", stern faced and notebook in hand. She came in, picked up a baby fresh from his nap, handed him to me and said "I'd like to see you change him." I knew right then it was going to be a long afternoon. I've never heard of a more thorough investigator. She "talked" to all 6 older children, looked through the pantry, checked the dates on the milk containers, looked in the formula containers and checked the drawers and cabinets. After going through our entire house, she sat down on the couch across from me opened her manilla folder and gave me a weak smile. "I know that was intense, but when you see what I have here you will understand." A letter was left in the bio grandma's door. It was addressed to the bio parents, and was given to the county that we live in. She began to read parts of it, (in order to give us a full picture of the allegation). At first I was surprised, the letter was written the first person, as if from someone who knows us...i was surprised at the familiarity of the writer, the detailed nature of the complaint. As she read though, I began to move from suprised to shocked. Praise the Lord David got home just then. She kept reading excerpts from it and it got filthy, then disgusting, then I started to cry. I have never even heard of some of the disgusting things the letter detailed. From the title of this post you can imagine. When she looked up from the letter she said, "Now of course I still need to talk to the other parties named in the letter, however, I am going to say that the children are in no danger here, and that the allegations are completely unfounded." Praise the Lord. I don't think I will ever get used to having the children sequestered, and questioned. But for our little prince we would do anything.
Ohhh Danielle!!! Do you know who is doing this to you????
ReplyDeleteSeriously?! Do you have any idea who this is????? What horrible things to be making up - do they not have a life and more important things to do than to make up trash about others?! :(
ReplyDeleteI don't like the term "karma", but seriously, most of the time what goes around comes around - they might wanna start being a little more careful. Haha!
Kiki we have a very good idea who is doing this. She is going to be facing charges for all these malicious reports... So....
ReplyDeleteDanielle, I am back in blogland again. It seems like ages.
ReplyDeleteI am just amazed at all this assault. It is so sad. You and David have held up so well. I am proud of you; Love your steadfast and faithful hearts. I love what you said in the end of the post.."but for our little prince we would do anything." What a blessing to that baby. We keep you in our prayers..Pray that all goes speedily in this process. I remember how we rejoiced when we were all finished with social workers and case workers (we did love our case worker... she was a gem but still it is a wonderful day when you can just go on with your life.)
Love you so much sweetie,
UNREAL! how r u coping with all this i'd just die, is this something the bio mom is cooking up or what?! hope things get better, life is hard enough i'm sure for u guys right now, hugs & prayers, this is lese