Letter to myself

🖋Letter to myself🖋

❤I'm not disgusting,  the pizza I had delivered to the pool was a reward for our family eating nothing but pre-packed snacks on the road.

🧡I'm not disgusting,  I squeezed myself into a two piece swim suit with a skirt and got in that cold pool to get my exercise on. 

💛I'm not disgusting,  I'm a proud mother of 10 and a grandmother to one. 

💚I'm not disgusting,  I have a 9yr old in a swim diaper. He's a miracle, and any one of his 9 siblings would kill or die for him.

💙I'm not disgusting,  I happily let my husband take our picture.  Our family fills this pool and I'm eternally grateful for each gift. 

John Gottman says 5 positives for 1 negative. That lady at the pool has another thing coming if she thinks her criticism is going to do anything but spur me on to encourage other mommas and grand-mommas. 

You're not disgusting.  
You keep doing what God called you to.  
Next time someone tries to make you smaller than you God made you,  write down 5 things that remind you of how special you are. 
(If you are having a dark minute and need help coming up with some positives, text me.  I'm always nearby!)
And shine on! 



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