Playing sardines.

Our family loves games! My husband is super competitive so EVERYTHING turns into a game. Who finishes school first, whose room is cleanest, whose chores received the most gold stars. The list goes on... However when it comes to more traditional games, we like to play them a little untraditional-ly. ;-) (just made that word up) Sardines is a perfect example. My grandpa was a youth pastor for years, and taught us this fun version of Hide And Seek. Here are the "Basics": The youngest (of playable ages) is e 'hider). The rest of us count. After the obligatory "Ready or not, here we come!", we split up to "seek". When you find the "hider", you hide with them, The last "seeker" to join the giggling, sweaty, ssshhhhh-ing mass, is the new "hider"! Now, I've told you our daddy is very competitive, but what you don't now, is how VERY un-competitive I am! So, we all hide, and the last to join the mass is greeted with, "Surprise!" Or, "Yay you found us!" And we rotate through the family according to age instead of who is first or last. Here are a few of our hiding places this time.

After we play, David and I are mor exhausted than the kids are! I wanted to take a pic of David sweaty and tired, but instead ended up being the victim. ;-) So, here I am, re-heating my tea for the millionth time.


  1. Hahaha! I always love reading your blog - brings back oh so many memories!! :) (and I especially like the "Teeea! I need teeeeea! Grrrrr" totally me!!! LOL!! Love you bunches!!


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