Banana Bread Starters

My mom made me this recipe book the first year we were married, and it is a treasured gift! It has my favorites, family traditions, and friends of the family specialities, all in my moms handwriting.

Today was supposed to be full of visitations, traffic, stress, but instead the Baby's bio dad canceled at the last minute, so my day cleared right up! And you know me, any excuse to make smething yummy! I also decided to make ahead for next time, so I'm calling them Banana Bread Starters! Wouldn't they be cute in a loaf-tin with a cute towel and ribbon? I hope your day was as cozy and restful as ours!


  1. I love the cookbook your Mom made for you; I think recipes books and cards are wonderful memorabilia, they stir up a memory every time you use them. I am very fond of all hand written recipes I have, because they hold so much more than a recipes. I like your idea for banana bread starters... is that all the liquid ingredients ready to go?

    Love you bunches,


  2. I love anything to do with recipes and it's even better when they are hand written from moms and dads and my grandma. I My mom and Auntie made me a special recipe book with all my grandma's hand written recipes (stains and all) those are the ones I cherish most because she is no longer here beside me, teaching me to cook. Great memories!! I like the banana bread starters-great idea!


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