March 30th-April 1st

March 30th
I got a text from Alex's bio dad.  "I'm so excited for this weekend to come! I'm ready to have my baby home permanently."  I was surprised that he had gotten the school issue figured out, but he assured me that he was going to start Alex in school on Monday morning, so
I told him barring a difference of opinion from any social workers I would have him packed and ready to move permanently.
March 31st
As of Jan 1st the Guardian Ad Lidums are their own law firm, and as part of that firm there are now social workers assigned to each case.  I was taking to our new Case Consultant "Tamara".  I think this is a great idea!  Yes it means one more person in and out of our house. One more person checking to make sure we don't sleep the children in cages. ;-)  But it will free up the lawyers to do their legal stuff and give the foster and bio families one more person to contact in case of emergencies.  Tamara came out to our house this morning, so like any good hostess we had snacks, lots of them. ;-) cream cheese and cucumber sandwiches, carrots and dip and sun tea.  When I told her about the bio dad's text she called the GAL and they agreed that if he had school figured out he could have Alex the next night. That afternoon I met my parents, Mimi and Papa at Starbucks so they could give both the little boys their birthday presents. Again I have adorable pics, will have to add them later.  
April 1st
We had therapy this morning, and I ran around the house looking through toy boxes and laundry hampers for Alex's things.
Did a load of laundry and each of our children picked a toy of theirs to send home with him.
We went to Walgreens on the way to visitation and put a little something together for Alex.
We went back and picked it up a few hours later. It turned out so so great!  We made him a picture book of our disneyland trip. Beautiful, hard bound and hopefully pretty durable. ;-)  
When we were saying goodbye all of the sudden the bio dad says, "Whoah whoah, you're coming back to get him on Sun, right?"  We decided that he would continue to try to get him in school, and let me know if he couldn't figure it out by sunday.  Ugh...

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  1. Oh the D-R-A-M-A!!! Sorry girl. Praying for you, Alex, and everyone!


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