March 25th Are you the Lord's best man?

Please forgive the picture quality, we didn't have a professional wedding photographer, just a friend with a disposable camera.ohn 3:29 29 The one who has the bride is the bridegroom. The friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices greatly at the bridegroom's voice. Therefore this joy of mine is now complete. This is the verse my Devotional was about this morning. Although I have read this particular verse several times Oswald Chambers put a new spin on it for me. The "Best Man's" only job is to be there for the groom. My father-in-law was my husbands best man for our wedding. How appropriate! They have a great relationship. When ever we are facing something difficult we call his Dad. When David is excited about something he calls His dad. Our only job as Best Man is to make the groom look good. OC says, "Sometimes there is nothing to obey, the only thing to do is maintain a vital connection with Jesus Christ, to see that nothing interferes with that." My Father-in-law as best man signed our wedding certificate and I remember him saying, "It feels like I'm co-signing this marriage." Isn't that exactly what it is? In accepting David's request to stand up with him during the wedding he was agreeing to do his best in helping our marriage to succeed. We have not "arrived", but my father-in-law has always been there for us. The adorable little girl in white is my sister-in-law, we will be celebrating her wedding in a few short months!


  1. Precious! And by the way- it doesn't matter how cheap the camera was... it can't hide your elation or that of David either. God was with you that day, only wish I was too! <3 let's not miss any more of life's memorable moments together!

  2. Wow Danielle, what a sweet post. I just loved it. I love what Oswald Chambers said; "sometimes there is nothing to obey, the only thing to do is maintain a vital connection to Jesus Christ". That is my thought for the week. What peace when I let go of "striving" and just rest in "loving" Jesus.

    I loved hearing about your Father in Law, and His relationship with David and you. That is the best, and so precious. It makes me love him just hearing about it, and is a lovely correlation both in the love of a Father, and the love of a bridegroom... causes me to see it on both sides. Thanks for sharing.
    Love you,

  3. Hosanna, you sweet thing! I wish you had been there too! Have I shown you the rest of the pictures from that day? I was a baby! You're here now, and I'm so glad!
    Miss Pam, you are such an encouragement!
    When I read that devotional I instantly thought of our wedding and my honey's best man. We are so blessed to have him in our lives!


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