9-9 Happy Birthday To Me

33yrs old.  Yup.  33yrs. . . why do women NOT wanna tell their age?  What is dis-graceful about gray hair, and lines showing in your face when you smile?    Isn't gray hair supposed to like a crown?  How ridiculous is it that these things are controversial in this day and age? 
This is me, stepping off my soap box.  :-D

5:30 I received a text from my dad saying that my mom was experiencing stroke-like symptoms.  Going from asleep to AWAKE is like a jolt,  that pretty much lasted all day for me.  We got up, got everyone dressed, David called off, and we headed to Pueblo.  About half way to the hospital where my mom was admitted I get another text from my dad.  My mom was very upset, and was NOT up to visitors.  Although I wasn't going to bring the kids in, or sit and chat, I understood that he was trying to protect her.  He has always done that.  Protected her, loved her, been her knight. 
Since we were in Springs when we turned around and hadn't eaten yet, we had a little lunch, stopped at the Dollar Store for some car entertainment.  3-D science books.  VERY fun.

David got me my VERY own  Jamocha Almond Fudge. 
Can't remember the last time I didn't share a cup of ice-cream!
So SO SOOO good!

So often throughout the day I was talking to my friend Rhonda.  LOVE HER!
When she found out that we were headed back home, she made
me a home-made, from scratch, spice cake!  How sweet!!!
I think I have made my own birthday cake for 10+ yrs!  :-D

My kiddos singing to me. 
I am so blessed!!!


  1. Happy Birthday wishes to you. You don't show the grey hair or the wrinkles yet, but even when you do you will be adorable. So sorry to hear about your Mom. I know it must be a difficult time for all. I 've been prayin, always do almost every time I pass by.

    I've sure been missing your posts. So glad you are back on. Love the pictures, especially the bottom one... such a sweet peek into your special day. Special Mama, special kids.
    Love you so much,

  2. Ditto what my mom said! You are adorable now and will be even more so as you get older. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! We have been praying for your mom and for all of you. I am so glad your friend made you a yummy spice cake. It sounds delicious! I too love that last picture with all the little ones around you. They are precious.

    Much love dear friend,


  3. Just came across your blog from another one, and am now following. Sorry to hear about your mother- hope everything is okay. Happy Birthday to you!


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