8-24 through 9-1

Yummy yummy Blueberry Waffles for dinner.

There have been some great developments the last week. 

1st.  David's job may be straightening out.  There are still alot of things in the air, but God is really answering prayer.

2nd.  We had a great time with the boys grandmother, and she has recently told us that they would love to be a part of our family, be a part of the boys life, but let us have custody.  There is still a LONG row to hoe, so to speak.  They are going to pursue termination.  One of the hard parts of our situation is that she hasn't done anything overtly endangering to the boys, so they are going to terminate on in-stability issues.  We have been told that this is a much harder process, in which we will be subpoened and asked to testify.  (makes me a little nervous.) 

There were also some not so fun parts.  I had the strangest "episode" on Sat.  I was sitting at the computer and Trey comes in the room, "Mom, you have got to see this creature that Dad is killing!!!"  he means a bad guy on the x-box.  Very un conservative of me, I know. . . take it up with the Daddy.  ;-)  Anyway.  I get up to see this amazing creature, and daddy's awesome fighting skills, and poof, just like that, my mind is a clean slate.  I mean, CLEAN.  For a minute I had no idea who I was, who that cute baby was in the swing, nothing.  Then blinding pain, and nausea.  Then as quickly as it came, it went.  I was exhausted, and confused, but I could identify each child by name.  The rest of the weekend is sort of a blur, we went out with friends, which I sleep walked through, we went to a birthday party which my husband excused us from early.  But I remember alot of sleep.   My husband and friend convinced me to go to the Dr on Mon.  He diagnosed complex migraine.  Honestly I was just glad it wasn't a mini-stroke, or TIA.  Grateful too to know that the "malaise" which I would equate with a week without sleep, was normal and would pass in a few days.

Here are a few fun pics to catch you up on things here.  :-D  Gratefully David was too worried about me to snap a pic while I was "out of it".  A mercy for everyone.  ;-)

Playing the video game with Miss Stephanie and Mr Scott.

Watching the monkey show from a safe distance.

Fun birthday party, with GREAT friends!!!
We love you guys!!!

What country kids do at birthday parties! 
Abi was LOVING life!!!

I made Monkey Bread the morning of the big meeting.
This is the kiddo's WAITING to eat it.  :-D

So so good!


  1. Never a dull moment at the Story house! Loved reading it... hosanna

  2. Well, it is past 11:00 p.m. and now you have me wanting to go down stairs to see if there is anything close to this in my house to eat. I already know the answer... the monkey bread is definitely out, but I do have some waffles downstairs hmmm.

    Love the "what country kids do at a birthday party" photo, because its so true. Ha ha. Love all those cute kids.

    So nice to hear the update. I was missing you. Still praying for you. You take good care of your self and catch on your rest you hear. ( I can hear my Mom in that.. but still...)

    Much love,

  3. Complex migraines are so scary. Luke had a couple a few years ago and we ended up taking him to the ER. Everything was fine...it was the migraine. He had the same symptoms as you. Love your blog!

  4. H~ I'm glad you stopped by. Love you!!!

    Miss Pam~ You make me feel so loved! For real. I promise I will take care of myself and sleep when I can. Thank you for treating me like one of yours. Love you!!

    Denise~ Seriously, so honored that you read and enjoy my blog! We miss you guys so often. . . Are Luke's migraines triggered by anything in particular?

  5. The monkey bread looks delicious. I have been craving monkey bread for last couple of weeks! I think I need to make it!

    So nice to hear the update with the kids. And I am so sorry about the migraine. Ditto what my Mom said. You take good care of yourself Danielle. I wish I was closer, I would love to help in any way.

    Much love sweet friend,

    ~ Elizabeth

  6. Danielle,
    Scary stuff. I agree with Elizabeth and wishing I lived close so I could help take care of you or whatever you needed, In exchange for some of that delicious monkey bread :)

    Love you dear Friend
    ~ Marie

  7. Been missing you Danielle, and been praying for you alllll.
    Much Love,

  8. Danielle I just wanted to tell you how much I have MISSED you! I hope you are doing well. I know you have a lot on your shoulders right now. Many prayers have been sent your way. I also wanted to let you know how much your sweet comments bless me. You are such a kind, loving and encouraging sister. I commented back to you on my blog, so don't miss it :D ~I-LOVE-YOU~


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