Life is lived in the revisions.
Are you familiar with John Irving?
Famous playwright, novelist, humor and wit abound...?
I had never heard of him, until my dad sent me this quote.
"Half of my life is a revision."
In another quote he says, writing is the easy part,
revising and editing, and re-writing is where the real work comes in.
(I'm paraphrasing, here, but you get it.)
As I was drinking in his humor on a subject that touches on some raw parts of my heart, I was struck with another thought.
We are constantly revising,
as a human race,
our careers,
our persona,
and fashion sense,
but especially our dreams.
This couple had dreams.
Dreams for their
careers and passions.
Had this young couple known what would be in their path over the next 20yrs, they might have been a little less inclined to dream big.
The only thing that held them up through rough storms and choppy seas?
They trusted in a God they couldn't see,
and in a plan they were sure He had for them.
Between the dreams and their fulfillment were hundreds of revisions.
They dreamt of raising a large family, surrounded by family, but just weeks after that picture was taken they would suffer their first miscarriage and would struggle with infertility issues.
They dreamt of finding a ministry they could both serve in, together.
That's a big ask, when you are such different people.
They would be youth leaders and music leaders, they would beg God to remove what they saw as obstacles, and they would be humbled at His provision.
The husband would find that he had a real interest in all things medical, and excel in a career in nursing, only to discover it was a tiny stepping stone towards his true calling.
Revisions of dreams.
That's where life is lived.
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