Foster Family Christmas
Casa Bonita is "our place"!
It's where we go with out of town company, to celebrate special days, and CHRISTMAS!!!!
Our foster agency puts together a fabulous night!
Bags of tokens to use in the arcade. All you can eat dinner with sopapillas, and SANTA!!!

It's no exaggeration, our children talk about how fun it was for months, and as school starts in the fall they start the countdown for the next time we are going!
This year the volunteers and staff of Kids Crossing really outdid themselves!!!!

In September they ask us to come up with a list of the kiddos in our home, ages, sizes and "wishes".
Then they work together with families in the community to make Christmas spectacular!!!
I wish that I knew each family by name so that we could thank them individually, but I realize they are giving these gifts from a generous and anonymous place in their hearts.
Our home supervisor promised to pass along our gratitude though, and any pics I wanted to include here. :-D
The reviews come back varied about the food online, but personally I'm a fan.
Everything our little man received was MINION.
Makes him happy, happy, happy!!!
Miss Diva LOVES her new clothes!!!
She also received some crafty things, which we are loving working together on.
Benji got this "retro" game, and anything that makes memories instead of messes...
I'm ALL about!
14yr old and 7yr old brothers.
Coolest jackets ever!!!
Benji is our little engineer, and someone gave him TWO sets of minecraft legos.
He sat with those instructions and trays full of pieces ALL day, and I've caught him several
times sitting and looking at the finished product on his dresser.
We didn't know it at the time that the pic with Santa would be one of the last we would take of our little guy before he went home to his family.
Christmas Eve morning I got an e-mail from his social worker telling me to make the transfer happen that day. :-( We returned him to his parents before heading to our mimi and papa's house. We had to stop twice on the way to pull over, and cry. Holding each other, and texting his parents little last minute messages.
If you think about it, please pray for Abi, she is still waking up tearful with bad dreams about his leaving.
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