One year ago today I decided to join a company that both my sisters had joined.
They were having great success with it.  I talked to my daddy who is infinitely smarter than I am,  and he said,  "Try it!  If you don't you'll always wonder what could've been."  He also told me that it was a sound business model and thought it was more than just "a fad".
I joined under my baby sister,  and started off on the road of small business owner,  Visions of vacations and new cars dancing in my head.
Friends and family were supportive,  some even joined under me!   The first 6 months were a whirl wind of promotions and bonuses!   By Christmas my bonus checks were as much as my husbands checks from his full time job!
Then in January the real work started.
I had a team of 60 ladies (and a few gentlemen) under me and things were still coming along at a quick pace but I felt like I had hit the ceiling.
There's a spot between two levels where you need to work more on keeping your "downline" promoting AND  keep your own numbers at peak volume.
I was burning out.  I wasn't seeing the progress,  or the bonuses and was feeling the pressure. Why wasn't my family taking those vacations?  Where was our new car?
As my "Anniversary" drew closer I was feeling more and more disillusioned.  Then there are the comparisons.  People that I knew had less time in "the business" were doing better than I was!
But here's the thing.
God is not interested in sending us on vacations, or in giving us cars that we are proud to drive.
He doesn't care that our clothes come from the goodwill instead of the mall.


Recently He has brought in some major miracles, and some hope for some amazing changes in our lives!  (Stay tuned for details)

I am going to keep working my business.
Not because it's a get rich quick scheme.
It's not a lottery ticket.
As I celebrate my Anniversary, I'm choosing gratefulness,  for the treasures it HAS brought into my life.

Here are a few.

My team; we call ourselves a family.  And that's what they are to me.  Sweet family members that I truly love serving and getting to know!

The dream; I'm not a big dreamer by nature,  but this "job" has taught me to dream big,  work hard, and sow seeds.

We have not "arrived" yet.   We still have goals that have not been met, they are printed out and taped on the wall.
But we are committed.
We are passionate about being able to provide a few of the "things" for our family.
We are grateful!

To my sweet family,
Thank you for bearing with me as I reach for my dreams.   For putting up with me constantly holding my phone in my hand,  for the long hours and the Saturdays I am gone.
Thank you for dreaming with me, and being my cheering section.

With so much love,


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