Gotcha Day (again)
July 30th 2012 seems like a LIFETIME ago.
But that is the day that we got the call to come pick up a little boy and his sister.
When I got to the gas station where we were meeting, I was surprised
to see a little boy, with mis-matched flip flops, different colors and sizes,
and his little sister who was in little boy camo shorts and an adult sweatshirt.
She had no shoes at all.
We were only in the car 5 minutes when it was clear to me that they were both sick.
Flu symptoms hurried us back home, and they spent the next two weeks
throwing up.
A combination of new foods, and stress was just too much for their little systems.
They were like infants. They would sit, cross-legged, with their knees touching.
They didn't communicate with any of us at all, although they did seem to
have their own form of language between the two of them.
Over the next few months they began to explore their surroundings.
Reaching out to take a toy, or take turns feeding eachother.
We supervised their visits with their mom.
We met at a park downtown, and they would climb in her lap.
She would braid their hair, and tickle their feet.
Their was an obvious love there, they were very sweet together.
As her participation became more and more erratic though, they decided to
move the visits to the center, and then less than 8 months in, she stopped coming to visits.
They had their goodbye visit May5th, 2013.
The next 18months consisted of lots of Drs appointments.
One of them was to a geneticist that thought they "could have" 7 or 8
different disorders.
After a round of testing, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome was the conclusion.
We were also given a referral for a Neurology appointment.
(which is coming up THIS MONTH!!)
We also went in for placement testing in the school district.
That was very eye opening for all of us.
They are considered disabled by normal school standards.
There were also several other placement options.
We even met a few of them, had them watch us for a few hours.
But ultimately God had other plans for Gabe and Jazzy.
We were privileged to be a part of National Adoption Day.
Here are a few stills from the day.
Great opening!
Our Home Supervisor came with us to help wrangle.
And honestly, it just wouldn't have been complete without her.
She is a HUGE part of our story.
We love you Dani!
Here we are!
Our judge was really great!
On camera.
You'd think a person would get use to this....
See!!! They love eachother!
Usually. ;-)
The children's museum had this great set up at the end of the hall.
My little engineer was in heaven!
Our shadow and his camera.
Gabe and Jazzy thought this guy was so fun!
This is as close as Isaiah would get.
Poor Racoon. He had no idea what he was getting himself in for.
You don't make eye contact with my little people and then just WALK AWAY.
We waited in line for face painting for a little over an hour.
But she was SO GOOD!!!
I know what he looks like, but he's a character from Star Wars.
(and for the record, I begged him to get a robot face... but no.)
Avalanche puppy was a little less intimidating.
Our GAL bought them a plate set, and let me tell, ya, THEY LOVE THESE THINGS!
Thank you for everything else you did for us Miss Shelly!
We love you!
Happy Gotcha Day Gabe and Jazzy.
You are a forever part of our family.
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