Let go, let God
We've all seen the bumper sticker.
The conveniently located placard outside the church parking lot.
But when the house is a wreck, the school isn't getting done and the husband wonders, "What happened?!?" Letting go, and letting God seems pat.
I know it does cuz I almost said it to someone last week.
As a mom to many, I have a lot of expectations for myself.
#1. Get up. Sounds simple, but try having two teething toddlers and an infant that's still getting used to new surroundings.
#2. Get dressed. Truthfully this is sometimes my robe. Many a therapist has been greeted as I tie my robe and pull my hair back.
#3. Meet with Jesus. If I forget this step, or think, "After the tea and banana bread..." I tend to not come back for it, and it's crucial!!! My prayer journal sounds like this most mornings. "Dear Jesus, here are the things on my list....
Here are the people on my heart.... You decide what goes where, help me to be sensitive and flexible to any changes You might have in store." (That last bit is important cuz I HATE, LOATHE and DESPISE change!!!). Then whatever He gets done, He gets done. My only job is to be a good steward with my time! Simple enough!
Every once in a while, new yarn is calling to me. Rocky Road Ice Cream is seducing me from its place in the freezer. And there is some new show in the DVR vying for my attention. I drop the ball, get tied up (hee hee get it?? 😉) and am NOT a good steward.
Here's where the hypocrisy comes to play.
Just after I tried to encourage my sweet friend with my "simple steps" I went right back to obsessing over an area in my life where I felt completely ineffective! I was doing my best! Why wasn't I seeing the results?!? I was pouring out my heart, and being met with....a wall. I was pouting to my husband, "Why is this not working?!?" Then it dawned on me. God doesn't promise us results. He promises His Word won't return void. And that His people who are called by His name will hear His voice. He doesn't promise me anyone will hear my voice, or that my words will be effective.
So, here I am taking my own advice with a side of humility.
There is a part of life's journey that seems like it never ends, and it seems like you will never get where you think you are going... a wall does sometimes seem to be stopping any effectiveness; but then you begin to see the work of the Lord...in yourself, your family, those in your midst. It isn't usually instantaneous or immediately obvious, but it is happening. Miracles do happen, but usually answered prayer is a process. I believe He is always at work, and always working out our prayers; maybe not always the way we think, but He loves us better than we love our own children, and if we "being evil know how to give good gifts to our children... how much more will our Heavenly Father give what is good to those who ask". You keep on keeping on girl. His love for you is great. "Let go and let God" can, as you say, be a "pat" answer. But the bottom line is we all end up coming to the place where we have to say "cease striving and know that I am God", as we learned in the Psalms. Resting in and trusting in Him is our answer, by it we overcome.
ReplyDeleteLove ya bunches
is always the best, and in due season we see that it is real place and a real answer.