Baby K
For weeks I've been trying to decide how to write this post.
Where do I start in documenting this last few weeks/months?
On the 5th of june last month a new social worker started on our case concerning "baby k". On the 22nd there was a Team Decision Making Meeting, where we were all informed that despite the home-study being denied on the grandparents, they were going to move the baby to their home by the 20th of July.
June 23 we sought legal counsel. We went to court with our lawyers the following week.
In court the magistrate said, "As the law stands now, you would have had to file your motion to be an interested party 30 days before you knew about it!" She ended the very brief part concerning us with, "if I were you I would take this up with Judge M". So, we did.
Wo weeks goes by, we've heard nothing, our lawyers have heard nothing. And we are all waiting on pins and needles, meanwhile the visitation schedule continues and the final move day is looming closer and closer.
Can I stop here for a second? Have you ever had a major life altering, difficult thing looming? It's hard to think, hard to do anything else! You sit, watching the time pass, checking your e-mail over and over. The thing looming is like tar, and the more you sit and ponder it, the more mired you become in it! Ugh, anywho.
Where were we? Ah yes, final moving day looming closer and closer... (Princess Bride moment)
Thursday, before the big move on sat, the social workers decide that they want baby k moved on friday morning instead. Why? Here is the official reason, "Because the Story's have chosen to get legal counsel, we have decided to keep things professional and have the move at a neutral place with social workers present." So, Thursday night I cry myself to sleep, it's awful, I pack her things, cry over each little piece of clothing, bag them all, and hold her close one last time before bed. Friday morning we load her n the car, Abi decides to come with me. My sister in Mexico sends me "Star$'s". We hand her over, she's crying and reaching for me, I hug the grandma, and turn towards our car before I begin to bawl. I've made it through. I begged God for comfort, and He has come through with grace in-measurable! I'm standing in line at Starbucks, wiping my tears, holding Abi's hand, waiting for an extra large caramel frap, when the lawyer calls. Judge M has called, and ordered the move stopped immediately! The lawyer says that even though she has already been moved to the grandparents, to go back and get her immediately! She sends me the new order PDF on my phone. When I went back to the center the social worker and her supervisor refuse to see me! The county attorney (we are informed) is also refusing to acknowledge the court order! I didn't know that was even an option!
By the end of the day, a third judge has been called in to order any law enforcement officer to either arrest the lawyer and social worker or retrieve Baby K. So, then we had her back, for the weekend. Yay! Two days later she was back at the grandma's for another visitation. We were going to get her back Friday night, Thursday night the lawyer calls, "The judge has entered an order to continue the transition and deny you a hearing." A quick call to the social worker and jus t,Ike that Baby K is gone. We didn't get to see her one last time, she won't be sleeping here anymore, no more baths with big sisters, or being chased down the hall by big brothers.
Death of a dream. Any hopes for her future here, nurturing her tender heart, watching her meet milestones.... Gone. Done.
My prayer throughout this ordeal has been the I could say truthfully, "The Lord giveth and The Lord taketh away, blessed be the name of The Lord." Friday morning I woke up and for a moment had forgotten the tears of the night before. But as the morning dawned so does the reality. And the grace alighted. My eyes were still puffy, but peaceful was how I would describe it.
The grandma and I have talked since then, and we are hoping to keep in contact and see them soon.
So, now that this blog is out there this chapter has come to a close.
God has a plan, He has a plan and it is for our good. To prosper us and not to harm us. To give us a future and a hope.
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