The view from here

It has become painfully clear to us the last few weeks that perception isn't "everything", but it certainly counts. 
As foster parents we don't have the facts. At least not all of them.  We get a small blurb of what "the system" believes to be pertinent info on the kid(s) and a schedule of the proposed visitations.  What follows is weeks/months and in many cases years of perceptions.  Perceptions of what we thought their lives were like before us, what we think their needs are, how we think we can help, and ultimately  perceptions of what will be best for them.  Now, you would think that all these perceptions would eventually turn into an educated opinion, something that would matter.  In some cases it does.  The social worker and Guardian Ad Lidum from the sibling case in our home are very interested in how we feel about everything.  They want to hear all of it, and make us feel a part of the process. 
In our sibling case the bio mom is not following her treatment plan, and instead of drawing things out, the SW made the decision to suspend visits until the mom complied with some of the more basic requirements.  They have asked us to be their adoptive placements, and we considered it... Seriously.... In the end we decided that we will continue to provide foster care for them, as long as they will allow, but will not be adopting.  
Our other case involving the baby has become exponentially more difficult. :-( 
I'm not going to go into the current status, but if The Lord brings us to your mind, please pray for baby K!! 


  1. I will definitely keep baby K in our prayers... and you guys too. Love you all.

  2. God works in mysterious ways and many times He doesn't fill us in on how it is going to go and especially on how it will turn out. You guys have taken on a fantastic ministry; one that will continue for the rest of your lives. Those children need you and your testimony more now than they ever will in their lives, regardless how long they are under your care. Moreover, they need God's Word taught to them continually.

    Remember to always "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Prov 22:6.

    You are providing a tremendous service to those kids. One that many people could never do and you were called to do it. God bless you for answering His call. Remember to stay faithful. We will be praying for you all. Thanks for the updates that you provide here on your blog.

    In God's Love,
    Mark Davis


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