Big kids area

Who wants to see some pics of the basement??? 
You'd never believe it was a basement after Larry and Todd got through with it!!! 
They have worked tirelessly and really transformed the area for our big kids. 
This is what the basement looked like the night of the big reveal. 
Course it had carpet and furnishings before they started, but they had stripped it to bare walls and beds that were nearly impossible to move!!! Ugh!! 
This area was perfect for our girls and benji to get out the craft stuff and make a giant mess!
Look how happy they are in the chaos though!! 
Abi and Miss Shirley got some good bonding time in, painting the accent wall. :-) 
The night the carpet guys came, they had been working since 6am, they got to us at 7pm, and rolled out this HUGE amount of carpet. :-) 
I thought it was cool. I'm a house re-model nerd. ;-) 
Poor guys worked from 7pm-1:30am!!! 
They even moved the IMPOSSIBLE beds out into the yard while they worked!
The end result is pretty great though. :-D 
My grandma made each of our kids quilts for their beds, and I'm so thrilled that they match their accent walls so perfectly! 
I wanted to tell you about sweet family that came out up help.  They painted Benji's wall and brought their sweet kiddos to help.  My kids were thrilled about the new friends!! 
Look how cute they are!!

The school room really isn't finished yet, but I'll give you a look-see anyway. :-) 
Trey has already claimed a spot at the table and his drawings are already flowing from his pen in our newly organized space! 
We are sooo grateful to everyone for all their hard work, and donations!!! 
Our 19yr old has decided to make a new start for herself in Montana, so her room is officially a guest room. Y'all are welcome to come visit!! 


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