Good morning! And Happy New Year! I know I have been so lax in my blogging lately....i have a lot to catch up on, but for now I will just start with, 2011 was a great year! We added a new member to our family! Photobucket Here he is. Happy, adorable, Isaiah Levi Story. He is such a joy!!! God was so good giving him to us! One day I will write his adoption story, it is really amazing how God orchestrated the whole day! Another thing I will get around to blogging about is Christmas. It wasn't what we planned on, but that brings me to my point.... I have been reluctant to blog because of the expectations... The plans... We really set ourselves up for heartache don't we? A day like the adoption is looming for months, in our case 22mos, it comes, it goes, and leaves you in it's wake. Don't get me wrong, it was wonderful! Brings tears to my eyes to think of how it all worked outt, but the verse, Luke 2:19 "Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart." keeps coming to mind. The adoption was special, Christmas was quiet and contemplative, my little family is happy and healthy and we are grateful for so much over this last year. But for now I think I will ponder over the big posts, and start back with some fluff. ;-) Some fun recipes, a few fun crafts, and a basement re-do! :-) Oh yeah, and stay tuned for an update on our new church home!!!


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