CPR/First Aid/AED re-certification

Good morning! I wanted to get this blog off so I get to the house work...procrastinating??? (a little) We have to keep our CPR/First Aid stuff up to date, for the obvious reasons, but darn it, it us so hard to remember when the little card expires e every 2yrs! And it's expensive! $90 from the red cross! I called our local fire station and asked if they knew an instructor nearby that we could pay. (typically the individual instructors ask for $70) they did, she met us the next night and did our entire certification for the cost of the cards! $4.50ea! She was such a blessing to us! I had to pay her! And if she won't accept cash, (which we tried) the next best currency? Photobucket Snacks! Special K Bars to be more precise. My favorite! The night was full of fun, seriously! My husband is a crack up, so we had a great time! During the video that we watched there is a drum beat to help keep the compressions synchronous. Well, you will never guess the song that it reminded David of... It might even be a little disrespectful to post... But suffice it to say every time the drums would start and we were leaned over our mannequins, he would start to sing and we would all giggle. Bad! Bad! :-D Another highlight was our competition. I am married to a second born, ALPHA, so everything, and I mean everything is a competition! Here's the scene. 2 babies, found unconscious, who can recite the "drama" we just watched on the video perfectly in our own "rescue". Photobucket This is right after he points to an innocent bystander and in a firm, clear voice says, "Stand back I know CPR! YOU, call 911!" He won, of course! And to the victor... Photobucket Go the spoils. Did you know that going and buying a BRAND NEW fire extinguisher is not good enough for foster regulations? Noooooooo, it had to be inspected by the Fire Dept! So while we were there a very nice, very young, fireman, "inspected" it for us. His inspection literally consisted banging it on the bottom and checking the full gauge! But we we're so thankful to kill 2 birds with one stone. When we went out to the car to retrieve it, my dumb tattle-tale started beeping... Now I'd like to say that I calmly explained, "I'm on call for the Ped's Ward." (that's what I'd call it if I were an important doctor...the Ped's Ward) and done my best Barney Fife sniff and pants adjustment... David said I should tell then it's my "Husband proximity alarm"! Ha! What did I do? You ask? I turned red, and started banging on my hip swearing to take out my revenge on not only the device but the creators of said "device" and their children, and their children's children! I'm not proud of my tantrum. But here it is, inspected and proudly cowering under the sink. ;-) Photobucket Have a great day!


  1. Just catching up on your blog... read the previous post.... sounds pretty scary Danielle. We keep all of you in our prayers often.... you, your hubby, kiddos, your Mom and the rest of the family... will add Grandpa to the list... let us know how things continue. You be blessed in the Lord, with health, rest, peace and strength Danielle.

    I am sure it is good to get these classes out of the way for the next two years. How's the adoption going?
    Much Love,

  2. So glad this turned into a fun family story :) you guys always make life so much more beautiful, and that is so funny about David turning everything into a competition =)

    So excited that you have an adoption date! I can't wait to hear all about it. I wish so bad I could be there with you guys!!
    Love you so much


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