Foster Friday

It's 8am, I roll out of bed, tiptoe down the hall and turn on my coffee maker to make some fresh tea. Last minute straightening up, wiping down tables and lighting a few candles. 9am our home-supervisor helps herself through the door. Followed closely by Isaac's adoption worker and her supervisor. For my part I inform everyone that the bio grandma has contacted us, via e-mail and asked for pictures and an update. We have gone back and forth about how to respond to her. We initially thought of returning a one letter reply. NO! However we didn't act rashly, and after talking to the GAL the social workers, and our home supervisor, we decided to reply vaguely. "In Nov we would like to meet and discuss how we should proceed." My David wants us to pray for her, and wisdom for ourselves every day for the next two months. (Feel free to weigh in here!) After we talked about the grandma, we turned to making a comprehensive list of ALL of Isaac's medical conditions. 10:30 The doorbell rings... A quick survey over the room confirms everyone I thought was coming was already here! The Supervisor pipes up about now. "Didn't I tell you, I figured as long as we were all out here, I invited the social worker for the other set." (this might seem rude....but I was actually very grateful, this house won't stay this clean for long) About the time the 2nd social worker got settled at the table our Physical Therapist came in. Again, a blessing, she took a baby and headed for therapy. Things with the oldest girls being at home aren't going so well. Days where the social worker can't find the children. School being missed...etc. (they were taken back into custody the next day) Bio mom is set to have her c-section in Oct and no-one has decoded what is going to happen after baby number 5 comes home. I guess it'll be a surprise! They are looking into any other family.


  1. I love how you put things Danielle; It cracked me up about the house being "this clean for long" I know exactly how you feel too. I say get all the mileage out of it you can. How exhausting to have to clean over and over for each social worker or therapist as they come.
    How long will the adoption take?

    I am thinking of you tonight because it dawned on me that I am sleeping in your old room (at least I think I remember it as your room.. you might have to clarify it when you come to visit. Its hard to believe how the time flies... now you are taking care of your own little ones ( and somebody else's to boot).

    Hope things continue to go well with you.
    Blessings, Sweetie


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