I know what he knows, and I wish I didn't!
Have you ever come home from a dr's appt, gone straight to the computer to check out Web MD and then regretted the new found knowledge? There is a reason your Dr barely says the technical name audibly. He doesn't really want you to know! He knows that if you knew everything that he knows about what he just diagnosed your baby with, you would never leave the office! You would camp out in the exam room until the antibiotics had eradicated the nasty virus.
This terrible journey of discovery began last week when our sweet Lou Lou had a fever. It was a strange fever...only coming out at night, but persistent! During the day she would play, eat, be happy and normal, but as soon as it started to get dark she would start to shiver and the fever would rage! 4 days of that, we were starting to get worried, and then as quickly as it came, it went!
Then Benji-boy, his started the night after Abi's stopped. This time around however it raged morning noon and night! We went through two bottles of tylenol and advil rotating them every few hours. Benj was sick to his stomach too, so he walked around the house with an old ice cream bucket, completely miserable. Day 4 is our cut off, if any of the kids are sick more than three days....Dr. So Monday we loaded everyone up and headed to town.
They checked everything and ran their tests. While we were waiting to hear back from the test results our Dr said, "I'm petty sure I know what this is, it's really good you brought him in." All the tests came back negative. I'm thinking good, it's a virus, it'll be gone in a few days. Our Dr says, "That's what I thought, Haemophilus Influenzae." What the heck? He briefly skims over what it is, says not to worry because we are going to hit it hard with major meds. The pharmacist doesn't make me feel any better..."You know what to watch for? Stiff neck, hallucinations, fevers over 103°." I'm no Dr but those sound like menangitis symptoms...this is where Web MD comes in. Come to find out it is the same bacteria that causes menengitis. Our baby has a dangerous virus with a "Mortality" rating! {{{shudder}}} Praise the Lord we went into the dr before it spread to his brain. He did spend the last two nights in our bed though. The hallucinations have been scary, so real to him that they leave him shaking.
I know I say all the time, I was born in the wrong century, but I'm so glad when it comes to scary stuff like this.
After almost a week of laying around the house we decided to get out the face paint.

Praise God for good Drs, medicine, and Web MD. ;-)
This terrible journey of discovery began last week when our sweet Lou Lou had a fever. It was a strange fever...only coming out at night, but persistent! During the day she would play, eat, be happy and normal, but as soon as it started to get dark she would start to shiver and the fever would rage! 4 days of that, we were starting to get worried, and then as quickly as it came, it went!
Then Benji-boy, his started the night after Abi's stopped. This time around however it raged morning noon and night! We went through two bottles of tylenol and advil rotating them every few hours. Benj was sick to his stomach too, so he walked around the house with an old ice cream bucket, completely miserable. Day 4 is our cut off, if any of the kids are sick more than three days....Dr. So Monday we loaded everyone up and headed to town.
They checked everything and ran their tests. While we were waiting to hear back from the test results our Dr said, "I'm petty sure I know what this is, it's really good you brought him in." All the tests came back negative. I'm thinking good, it's a virus, it'll be gone in a few days. Our Dr says, "That's what I thought, Haemophilus Influenzae." What the heck? He briefly skims over what it is, says not to worry because we are going to hit it hard with major meds. The pharmacist doesn't make me feel any better..."You know what to watch for? Stiff neck, hallucinations, fevers over 103°." I'm no Dr but those sound like menangitis symptoms...this is where Web MD comes in. Come to find out it is the same bacteria that causes menengitis. Our baby has a dangerous virus with a "Mortality" rating! {{{shudder}}} Praise the Lord we went into the dr before it spread to his brain. He did spend the last two nights in our bed though. The hallucinations have been scary, so real to him that they leave him shaking.
I know I say all the time, I was born in the wrong century, but I'm so glad when it comes to scary stuff like this.
After almost a week of laying around the house we decided to get out the face paint.
Praise God for good Drs, medicine, and Web MD. ;-)
Wow- please keep us posted! I've been praying! So- is there a risk to the other kiddos??