Dec 5th Happy Birthday Baby

5 yrs ago our sweet little Abigail was born into our family. I'll never forget being pregnant with her. I was sick ten or fifteen times a day. Out of desperation we started having David wake me up in the middle of the night with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and glass of whole milk. During a drs visit they were trying to get a good look at our little lady, I asked the dr if they knew if we were having a boy or a girl, she hemmed and hawed, I said, ' Come on, give us a percentage. Would you say 50-50?' Ha ha ha David has delighted in telling that story... Now here it is for the whole world. Ha ha
Near the end of my pregnancy I worked with a subsidiary of Kodak Film taking pictures with Santa. (a job my sister in law roped me in to earlier that year.) :-) During a later check in with my dr he wanted to know if I had a preference for a birth date for our little one. One of my choices was, 12-5-05. Doesn't that just sound nice? :-) I thought it did. It was also the latest date possible, and I'm one of those women that just loves being pregnant. I love knowing that our baby is safe and growing and in the best possible environment I can provide. I worked the Santa station right up until the night before her birth, being too excited to sleep my honey put in my favorite movie and made us orange shakes in bed. The next morning we checked into the hospital, met our nurses, my husband made comfortable banter with the nurses and dr. They took me back to surgery and that's when the tears start for me. I'm not scared, but in a way this first chapter of this new little life is closing. In minutes she will be out, in the world. I can't shield and protect her as completely. But none the less, we are on the way, steadily moving toward the inevitable end of 39 weeks. As I lay on the operating table, feeling my legs and back get warm with the numbness, David comes in, dressed in scrubs and says, ' I'm ready to operate.' :-D The tension in the room its broken and the drs and nurses get to work. After the initial cut, the familiar pressure of hands and instruments in my body, she is brought out. We had made previous arrangements with the medical staff that they would show the baby to David and her would tell me if we had a boy or a girl. I was shocked when through tears David said, ' We have a girl!' I think I said something like, ' Are you sure?' :-D ha ha There was a weak little cry, I kissed her little cheek and she was gone. After they had me put back together they wheeled me into the nursery to explain why she was was on an incubator, panting, with tubes coming out of her nose and mouth. Sometimes during a cesarean section, the baby takes a breath, they aspirate some of the amniotic fluid and and go into distress. She panted for twenty-four miserable hours. We could go and sit with her, but any touching would make her heart rate shoot up and nurses would come running. After crying and praying over her David went home to are our boys. I went in to sit with her, I begged God to steady her breathing, to please let me hold her, when I leaned in she was quiet, when I touched her little tummy she sighed!!! The nurses came, unhooked all the tubes, and within minutes she was in my arms. Happily nursing and crying, giving thanks to God for our little angel, I was told that there was a call being directed to me from my room. It was my sweet husband, calling to encourage me, when I told him where I was he said, ' Don't move, I'll be right there!!!' We were able to take her home the next day and have been absolutely in love with our little princess more every day.


  1. awww, this was such a beautiful story, felt like i was right there, brought back memories of my lil angel, that just turned one! love ya guys, lese

  2. So sweet Danielle,
    It is wonderful to get a little girl after 2 boys. That is a trend in my family too, and Steve's... 2 boys, then the girl. What precious rewards, I can remember being so happy to get those little girls so can relate to how you felt. Happy Birthday to little Abby, slightly late. She is adorable... be sure to post us some pictures.
    Much Love,

  3. Awww, sweet, sweet memories!! <3


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