7-30 A surprise phone call and a bar-b-que

"The Lord reigns let the earth be glad. Let the distant shores rejoice.  Clouds and thick darkness surround Him. Righteousness and justice are the foundation of His throne."  Ps

I should have known when that was the verse that stuck out to me this morning that this day was not going to be easy.
The morning started off normally enough.  Had my quiet time while the baby had his bottle.  Got everyone dressed and a fresh batch of banana bread in the oven.  Miss Marcia came for Isaac's occupational therapy.  Then David called me.  He knows that we have OT this morning, he wouldn't be calling if it weren't important. . . I excuse myself, apologizing for interrupting our session and take the call in the other room.  "Today is my last day here."  That's all he says that the tears start to come. "W-what?" I stammer, I'm shocked.  Is this a joke? It's NOT funny. "Just got the call from my district manager, or rather my old district manager."  He seems calm, I'm straining to hear if there is a tremble in his voice.  "Are you ok?" I'm sure he can hear my chin quivering from his side of the phone. Then he starts to calmly explain their reasoning and how it's actually a good thing that they are moving him before they close the store. . . it doesn't help.  He has been the manager for 2yrs and worked for the company for several before that.  He has worked to be where he is, and it feels like a blow.  I tell him how much I love him and we get hang up, promising to talk again soon as the house is quiet again.
All the way through the OT session my mind is racing, "where will they transfer him to?" "will it affect our income?" "how much time away from us will his new commute steal?"  Now I know that I should be rejoicing that he still has a job.  That in this current market we are not home-less. . . yet.  Our children are healthy, happy, loved, taken care of ultimately by our Heavenly Father.  I should focus on the positive. 
The day passes in a blur, I call my mom, she asks how long we've known about this. . . I call my friend and fume about the in-justice of it all.  Another friend calls me just to say "Hey" and I un-load on her. . . like I said, a blur.
I called my David at closing time so he won't be alone as he sets the alarm for the last time, and cleans out his desk and takes down all the pics that our children have drawn for him to hang.  "The big bosses talked and they want me to cover this store for another week while they make arrangements."  He still sounds up-beat, still confident that God has a plan.  It's hidden, "in clouds and darkness" but He has a plan.
When he got home he went straight to the shower, I sat and listened to all the details of each conversation and tell him how proud I am of the way he is handling it.  Then we make dinner.

This is a GREAT grill that some sweet friends gave us.
We love you Porter's!
There is nothing more summer-y than corn on the cob.
At dinner Benji asked, "So dad you are being transported to another dimension?"
After a good laugh my David clarifies, "No, not another dimension, just another district."
We had trundle bed night tonight, mostly to soothe our hearts, remind us what the important things are.  These little boys love eachother, they are best friends.  I would live in a box with my Husband and my sweet children.  They are my gifts, my treasures.

I know that some of you will still lurk, your choice absolutely.  However, we would really appreciate your prayer.  WHY as a family of God do we put on our happy faces with each-other?  When you are weeping, I want to weep with you, and when you re-joice I want you to know that I am re-joicing with you.
If you will pray for us, for direction, wisdom, calm for our hearts and provision for our family,  will you  leave your name in the comments?


  1. Awww, praying for you!! Wish I was home so we could have lunch and talk more about it! <3 Love you! <3

  2. Absolutely praying for you in this rough time...Love you Danielle!

  3. I am constantly praying for you...how blessed I am to have a new friend like you!! God WILL provide...he always does!!

  4. LOVING and PRAYING for you dear Danielle. Knowing that our Lord has such an amazing plan for you all. You all are so dear to me, I will keep checking back for an update.


  5. I am a lurker! :0) I hate to login to my account to leave comments but I am praying for you and sending happy thoughts your way. You are a wonderful family and God is truly going to continue blessing you. Hugs!

  6. awww, i love u guys...will be praying, what a hard time u are going through, i can understand how uncertain everything seems right now~lese

  7. How precious (your blog.) I love you very much. I am praying and I believe GOD for HE keeps HIS promises!!! Love you, Barby

  8. Danielle, I am praying right now. And I praise our Lord now for His provision and faithfulness because I know he has heard all of our prayers. You and David are His chosen ones and He loves you SO much!

    Much love friend :)


  9. Hey, Danielle. So, he's getting transferred? God's plans for us are hidden, too, so when I pray for us, I'll pray for you guys.

  10. Oh Danielle, these are certainly struggling days aren't they. I am praying for you right now. Please keep us posted about what happens. You are all very, very precious. I know the Lord delights in you and holds you in the palm of His hand. Thanks for the sweet comments on my blog. I am still playing catch up.
    Many Blessings, and Much Love,

  11. Danielle I will be praying for you!!!


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