7-21 Testing and Math

I Cor 1:25 "For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength."

This morning in my quiet time this is what God slapped me with.  God is SO wise that even his "foolishness" is wiser than our wisdom.
  Trey and I have been having a hard time with school.  He is SO smart, so creative, so fun to be around, and school is his nemesis.  Years ago being a first time home-school mommy I was constantly at war with my thoughts, "You're not smart enough to teach your own child." "He is never going to get this." Struggling day in and day out to stay motivated, to keep him motivated.  Reading and re-reading the SAME lessons. . . Then came Benji.  EVERYTHING comes easy to Benji.  Reminds me SO much of me and my sister directly under me.  EVERYTHING came easy for her too. . . standing on her head at 2yrs old, blowing bubbles in her gum, whistling.  Things that seems silly now, but it was serious stuff when you're little, and supposed to be the first at everything.  I don't want that rivalry, that hurt for my little boy, and yet, here we are. 
A mother's heart struggles with these things, makes me cry even just to type it. . .  God has given Trey some amazing gifts though, in-stead of reading.  And really, in the grand scheme of things will it matter that Benj could read first, or do complex math in his head?  Trey has a beautiful, tender heart.  And I pray that I nurture that in him even more than the school that he will accomplish this year.
All that being said, I felt convicted to get out a GREAT book that a sweet friend gave me, Skills Evaluation for the Home-School

You can see from the artwork that it is a little older. . . :-D  HOWEVER, that is exactly what I like about it.  It is designed to go along with the Weaver Curriculum that I am so excited about, and I LOVE it that we are holding our kids to a higher standard, a standard set back before the dumbing down effect.
This skills evaluation I expected would be a HUGE eye opener for me, I expected to be hit with my in-adequacies.  Instead, I was pleasantly surprised.  I was thrilled at how much my children knew!!!  We have been doing a piece-meal curriculum until now.  Using a little of this, and a little of that, with alot of home-made fun thrown in the mix.  It works!  Benji is a full grade higher than I thought, and although Trey is still a little behind with his reading, the other areas he is excelling in!  Praise the Lord that He has made up for my failures, He has redeemed the years of my fumblings and my children are thriving academically.  
One thing that Trey should know by the end of this year is fractions, and their practical application, so I decided what better than cooking???

Here he is enjoying a graph application of fractions.
Ew, did I mention he has a great sense of humor?

Math is so fun when you get to eat the results!!!  :-D
Here is his recipe.  God even used the fact that we didn't have the right amount of  Special K to teach Trey fractions and me flexibility. 
You can see that some of his numbers still face their own way. . . but he knows what he means.  :-D
This is one of those school lessons that I will be keeping for his scrap-book.  :-D


  1. THIS is the reason I love homeschooling. You can accept your children for who they are and teach to their needs. My children are exactly the same...opposite at their strengths. That is what makes it so amazing...God made us all different and he loves us all the same!! Great job my sweet homeschool friend!!

  2. Rhonda, You just totally make my day!
    Thank you for being such an encouragement!

  3. Amen!

    This was what I loved about homeschooling! I always felt slow and I know if I had gone to school, I would have been behind in some areas. I am so thankful for my mom and the confidence she gave me in my weak areas.

    What a great job you are doing Danielle! I know, when the time comes for me to begin teaching my little one, the fear and intimidation will want to be there, but I wont give in ;)!!!

  4. Elizabeth,
    You are such a sweet sweet heart!
    Thank you for your encouragement. I will be THERE to encourage you and pray you through it.

  5. umm, u need to call me, really, interested in this weaver thing for gage, we've been home schooling with cova but idk, not going too well...i really related to all that u said about one child excelling at some things over the other and just all the worries that go along with it, we really need to talk, they diagnosed daryan with add at school and idk what to do, i'm so conflicted about it,ok, before i write a full page letter, ummm....CALL ME, LOL


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