Feb 19-31
So, where were we?
AH yes, the drive home. That was intersting. Alex who had decided the day before when taken by S.S. to stop talking, had NO trouble remembering every word in his vocabulary. And Abi and Benji loved every minute. The first thing that was announced in the car was that we were white, and he was black. Good to know! Thank you Alex for clearing that up! Second, that, that baby was HIS! We were allowed to feed him, bathe him, change his diapers, but at the end of the day Isaac belonged to him alone. :-D So glad that they have had that bond through this whole thing.
On the way home my Honey called and asked me to stop and get a much "needed" video game. :-D You'll remember that we had been W A I T I N G for our tax return, so I unloaded my new brood of 5, and bought the game. Alex was inthralled, and I got some great shots of him playing Guitar Hero, but you can't see them, sorry. ;-) After the video game store we needed dinner, and as a little celebration we got our favorite, Kung Fu Panda. (Not it's actual name, but what Abi has named it.) Alex told me that he didn't eat anything but chicken nuggets and gatorade or pop. That just would not fly at our house!!
The next hurdle was a family dinner. Alex was used to eating in front of the tv, and coming and going as he pleased during the meal. This too would not fly.
I know I know Benj looks THRILLED, but this is after baths, and a full day of new family fun. AND the good one where he is looking up and being happy was a full on one of Alex too, and that is just not sharable. ;-)
We were told that since the mom was in-comunicado that there would be no visitation for a while, that lasted two days. Here we are at our first visitation. David took the morning off, and we were told we would be allowed in the meeting with the parents and EVERYONE to get a sense of what was going on. That was bad information. Instead we waited an hour and a half with 5 children in a small waiting area until our first visitation would start. The pic below is of the "foster family" room that we were told we could use during visitation. That would only last 3more times. Isn't my Honey such a great dad????
Two little black feet
I have some great pics of Alex and his obsession with my hair. :-) It still continues 5mos later.
The baby has had a hard time sleeping, at this point we were thinking he was just so small, he needed to eat regularly to keep up his energy to grow. We were up every two hours with about 45min of sleep in between.
This is my new reality, this much laundry every three days. I would like to report that it has gotten better, alas the summer is here now and it is probably worse.
Something that we didn't think about was bath time. Our children have just grown up taking baths together, but you add a little person, and there are modesty issues to consider, so this is our new bathtime routine. The kids tell everyone that they get to go swimming every night. ;-)
Haha! Love all the pics!!!!!!