God Is Like A Special Needs Parent
This cute kid wanted a snack, like any self-respecting kidlet, he went foraging. He's not usually picky about what he eats, it can be anything. It might come from the trash, or under the table, the fact that he actually found cookies this time, makes this moment worth comemorating. Except that he didn't ask. And not only did he not ask, but he helped himself to a mostly empty bag of animal cookies. I say mostly empty, because it had about an inch of crumbs in the bottom. yeah....... You can see where this is headed. I walked in to see him perched awkwardly on the bar stool. Crumbs littering the tile floor. You could tell how uncomfortable he was, he was't making eye contact, and he was half holding his breath, half chuffing out little breaths. Another thing worth noting, I didn't lose my cool! I just said calmly, "Well, you know where the vacuum is. Get to it." I thought the punishment fit the crime. But to our bab...